Our industry
We know your industry - as Arvato's first service business and nucleus, we have been providing integrated B2B and B2C full-service solutions for our clients in the publishing industry for over 60 years.
Our focus
From its three locations in Gütersloh, Verl and Gilching (VM-Verlegerdienst Munich), Vereinigte Verlagsauslieferung (VVA-Arvato Media GmbH) delivers books, CDs, magazines and games to retailers and consumers on behalf of more than 200 publishers. We have decades of proven experience in the logistics business. Through complementary solutions in logistics, distribution and finance, we work with you to realize individual and market-driven complete services from a single source - digitally and physically for your B2B and B2C business. We focus on the following segments:
Our special services
Customer service

Financial service

Information and
data management